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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 29, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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milligrams of caffeine daily can lead to anxiety, sleeplessness and heart failure. and the artist who created edd that poster said president obama let him down. he's disappointed that he supported drones and domestic spying. >> have a great weekend. >> over to "fox & friends." >> good morning to you. it is friday, may 29th, 2015. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. from bad to worse, in texas dozens in need of rescue as flash floods sweep in and the death toll rises. an update for you in moments. and a mother and her 7-year-old son murdered in baltimore in cold blood. another heartbreaking scene in the city as baltimore has the deadliest month in decades. what does the mayor of that city have to say? fox news asked the question. >> how is it this is the deadliest month in 15 years? and how is that anything other than the failure of your
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policies? >> we'll tell you what she said just ahead. >> and you have a guy proposing at a wedding in front of the bride and groom. what is the story behind the story? now we know what really happened and what the the bride really thinks. >> that's nice of you. i laid silent over yours. mortgages are better with friends. ♪ final preparations for this
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year's edition of the summer concert series. and let me tell you in two hours oar will take the stage. >> they're performing a big hit two hands up. and they like to play on campus all the time. a huge amount of fans going to come out today and see them. oar of a revolution by the way. in case you wonder what it stands for. >> this has become my favorite time of the week because of the summer concert series. this is the first time tucker that you've worked on a friday. >> i've been here in the summer before while you were in the hamptons. >> you didn't see tucker's air guitar come out? >> no, i did not. >> i work fridays. i'm a working man. >> you know the deal. if you work fridays, you have to put the states together on thursday. >> that looked like red rocks there, but that was on the plaza, amazingly enough. >> yes, it was. >> amazing. >> two minutes after the top of
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the hour we're talking baltimore. >> yeah we sure are. we're wondering do these lives matter too? a mom and her 7-year-old son in baltimore were found with gunshot wounds to the head. 38 homicide in total there. the most in 1996. and this little boy, he loved to ride his bike loved to go to the beach, shot dead in the head there. and these homicides are increasing while police seem to have their hands tied and not doing as much. >> what is this? >> dozens of killings inball more. most since the 1990s. from the usual suspects to al sharpton and the so-called leaders, not a single word. it turns out not all black lives matter apparently. they've gotten no attention at all in these killings. 111, the total is now, well ahead of last year's pace. six juveniles have been killed this year. 18 have been victims of non fatal shootings. and by the way, that number
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right there, that's up 500% from the year before. >> where is law enforcement? the arrests are down 56%. that's like blaming the refs because the team is bad. it's nothing to do with law enforcement. it's time to bring sanity to your own community. they talked about the role of law enforcement, the crackdown on law enforcement, and the chaos in baltimore. >> make no mistake, you're watching in live time not just the war on police officers you're watching a war on law and order. you're watching the dismantling of a constitutional republic so that the hijacking of the democratic party by this radical far left can become complete. and what they do is they leverage chaos to do that. >> former nypd detective there. and when you look at this also gene ryan says that the criminals are the one who is feel empowered now and that the cops are more afraid of going to
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jail and doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty. >> and you can see why. the cops had to standby as their own police cars were torched by the mobs. >> when you see the arrests going down 56% right here. and you hear what the mayor has to say about it. >> how is this the deadliest month in 15 years? how is that anything other than a failure on your policies? >> well there are a lot of reasons why that we're having a surge in violence. >> is that because the police are doing less? >> as i said before there are a lot of reasons why. >> is that one of them? >> we're examining all of those. >> arrests are down 50%. >> 56% actually. >> went onto give more reasons. >> gene ryan says criminals feel
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empowered. there st no respect. police are under siege in every corner. >> if you pull back on law enforcement, you get more crime. >> she went onto blame police. she says there's a lot of quote, distrust and community breakdown. breakdown. >> meanwhile, heather has another major story we have been covering all week. from drought to flooding. what is going on in texas? >> unfortunately not so great news to bring you all this morning. brand new video we got from overnight in dallas texas. registration cueers there paddling a raft through pouring rain to save dozens of people trapped through flash flooding. people there remain on high alert as rivers continue to push over their banks. hundreds of residents are being urged to flee their home. and then overnight the death toll rising as two more bodies
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are found in floodwaters in texas. in that state alone, 23 people have died. 14 have still missing at this hour. we'll follow this throughout the morning. also developing this morning. you know the anthrax scare we told you about yesterday, now it's worse than we originally thought. the pentagon saying that live spores were shipped to 18 labs in nine states via fed-ex and possibly alongside regular packages the kind delivered to your home every day. the cdc says it's in the process of trying to locate and collect all the samples. they insist the general public is not at any risk. police in phoenix are on edge ahead of a draw muhammad contest scheduled for later today. a rally is also planned outside the mosque where two gunmen two attacked a similar complex in texas had worshipped. the events organizeded by an
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ex-marine. he says islam is attacking free speech. listen. >> unfortunately we have to hold a cartoon contest, as silly as it sounds to be able to show the true colors of islam. >> the fbi and local police have warned the mosque about the rally. he vows it will be peaceful but is urging people attending to bring weapons incase in turns violent. they also claim bikers will help out with security. and the only television anchor to make it to the forbes most powerful women's list she's moved up the notch to number 99 this year. she was 100 last year. the former criminal defense lawyer hosts "on the record", the only live prime time cable news show filmed in washington, d.c. and congratulations to our greta. we were talking about this the other day. amazing. >> i'm always impressed.
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>> you know there's amany things about greta. but she is tireless. she has embraced the digital age. >> and give her credit. she continues to find stories worth digs and continues the pursuit for truth and facts. i'm such a fan of hers. i'm so excited to see her on the list. let's switch gears and talk about st. louis university. if you go to the school, you might see a statue that stands out. it's a statue of father pierre jean -- and right there he is blessing american indians back in his day. you know why? he'll a belgian catholic priest who was able to convert countless members of american- indians and the american indian community embraced him.
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and among his good friends was sitting bull. >> and they came to a treaty. he went to sitting bull and said -- this was different. he was one of the most influential white men they called him in the indian community. he would go out tireless for 40 years and communicate with the tribes and say hey, let's try to get somewhere not violent and doesn't result in death. let's try to give you land and we'll the try to negotiate. he was the go-between and well respected in both communities, and not many people could say that. >> despite those faks of which i think the student body is likely wholly ignorant, the statue shabhas been removed and shuttled off to a museum. why? because he was white. his skin color is considered so offensive by the school that the statue can no longer be on display. >> he wrote a column at the university news. he says this message to american indians is simple. you do not belong here.
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if you do not submit to our culture and religion. they say it's racist shows white superiority and should be taken down. and two days after graduation as tucker says they moved the statue. did anyone google in? >> because of his skin color. >> they say because you're bowing down to a white guy. >> the irony of removing it. you're committing an act of racism. you're taking it out because you don't like his skin color. >> beneath the context of the museum. how offensive can history be? he was a friend to the community. he reached out and a major treaty was signed. after he died only thin did things get more violent. he was the peacekeeper between the two groups. >> and the final thing before we move onto the next story and go to break and come back with the first interview, they're considering and about to go forward with a statue to commemorate the protests in ferguson missouri after the
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riots took place. at the last minute donors to the school said we'll pull out our money. so they pushed back and will not do the statue as of right now. caught on camera an intruder creeping around inside a house while a woman is sound asleep. right in the bedroom. >> and remember this woman from the 2012 campaign? >> everybody is cleveland is on my nerve! keep obama president, you know! >> she was right. the president is doing more. in fact charles payne is on deck with the new freebie. hey, charles. (music) i'm supposed to tell you how it feels when you book the perfect family vacation on but i think he's kinda nailing it. (music) they don't need me right now.
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tanzeum is right for you. go to to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. make every week a tanzeum week. remember this internet sensation from the 2012 campaign? >> everybody in cleveland is on my nerve. you got obama phone. keep obama president. he gave you the phone. >> this video drove the obama people completely crazy. they hated it. yet it turns out she was right. the president's administration is doing much more. the controversial obama phone program is set for a massive expansion to the internet. joining us now is the host of making money on fox business network charles hayne. great to see you. >> you too.
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>> the obama phone thing was real. it's been radically expanded under him. now it's set to expand still more to the internet. >> in 2009 it was an $800 million program. ronald reagan started it. it started for the right reasons, i think. but it's been highjacked. and the idea is the world is moving to the internet you have to send your resumé out. it's unfair poor people don't have access to the interpret. so this is the next solution. so first of all runaway costs. from 800 million to $2 billion. the fcc admits if they can keep certain plans in place they may be able top prevent $2 billion every three years. another problem is this is a transfer of wealth from the middle class. that's where the money comes from. i also think there's a moral issue. this is yet another program
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really hard for people to get off the sofa. >> yes. >> and here's the beautiful thing. they're going to vote next month. proponents are saying we acknowledge this. instead of 13 million people who are on it right now, let's give it to automatically anybody on food stamps. this will eliminate the fraud. >> that's a lot of people. >> from 13 million to million people. >> there is another reclassification. you have a natural right to this. you have an obligation to pay for it. >> it would be wonderful if the middle class people had an option. i want to help someone pay for the the phone. but i think the moral aspect is when we're trying to get people into society, wherever they live and into the sort of economic spirit the economic platter if you will contributing. it's tough. you take a pay cut.
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this is hard for politicians. and you add them all up. all of the 150% above poverty. that keeps a lot of people insulated. so here's the thick. are you really helping someone by making it more difficult to go to the workforce? it's pretty clear. >> and by the way, this is for one of those programs that nobody is paying attention to that 20 years from now will become a massive item. >> 20 years for now! you put 47 million people on this! but again it's not just the cost and the fraud. we're actually saying to them you can't make it but we'll feather the nest a little bit more. >> thanks a lot for coming out. >> speaking of president obama, remember his promise of hope and change. now the man who painted the message is having second thoughts. we'll tell you what he thinks
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manage your account anytime, anywhere on any device. just sign into my account to pay bills manage service appointments and find answers to your questions. you can even check your connection status on your phone. now it's easier than ever to manage your account. get started at time for quick 2016 headlines. it's going to be huge. donald trump set to announce his ambitions on june 16th. the next day he said he would be heading to new hampshire. you put two and two together. and marco rubio visits pawn stars during his trip to las vegas. pawn.
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co-owner rick harrison gave him a tour. >> the entire time i talked to him he wanted to talk about people. he never mentioned the party once. this guy honestly cares about american people. this guy wants to make it easier to do business. it will bring people out of poverty and do business for the economy. >> and rubio says he looks forward to visiting nevada quite often during his presidential campaign. that will be a key state. elizabeth. >> thanks brian. caffeine definitely has perks, boosts, brain power and can fight disease, but is it possible to consume too much? a new study revealing exceeding 400 milligrams of caffeine daily can be unsafe. resulting in insomnia panic attacks and other side effects. before you pour yourself another cup, what do u you need to know to this curb your consumption? we are wide awake because we've all had at least one coup here. >> absolutely me too. >> with americans, over half of
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them enjoying some sort of caffeine, and that increases as they get older. a lot of them having more than two cups a day. >> you get it in coffee in our chocolate, in our red bull. over 200 milligrams in a pregnant woman or over 400 milligrams a day in someone not pregnant can be dangerous and lead to serious side effects. >> we're going to look at the numbers. 200 if you're pregnant. 400 for the average person. what is in the drinks and how do we monitor the levels? >> well how much caffeine do you figure is in a regular tall from a starbucks or a dunkin doughnuts? >> 260 milligrams. if you go up the way ul to a venti, 460 milligrams. you're done for the day.
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you can have increaseded heart rate irritability. >> tea and red bull how much caffeine if you're adding these the your daily intake? >> tea is about 48 milligrams. 48 milligrams for a cup of black tea. you would have to have nine or ten cups before you would reach the amount of a venti over here. >> what about dark chocolate? >> only 12 milligrams. >> you could. dark chocolate is really healthy. >> don't have two of them. as soon as you have your second one, you're over the top. >> i'm choosing chocolate. hot chocolate and coke? >> hot chocolate and cola the problem is the sugar. cola has 60 milligrams. you have to have ten glasses of coke nine or ten glasses before you're over the 400 milligrams.
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you know how much sugar you're getting? >> may not be worth that. same with chocolate. >> so far i'm voting for dark chocolate as number onement. >> you and i are on the same page. thank you, now we can monitor how much caffeine. i think i'm over my limit and it's not 7:00. >> some people i won't mention. the great political analysts love red bull. >> whatever keeps you going. >> the coffee is good for you medically. if you have too much caffeine it interferes with your ability to sleep. if you have an underlying tendency to heart disease. >> exercise is best. >> that's true. >> pick me up. if you can dream it they can build it. but what happens when they try to deliver the perfect fish tank to an nba star? they're here to tell us about the new season. you're not going to want to miss that. 14 years after the the terror
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attack on 9/11 freedom has won. the one world trade center observatory opens today. anna kooiman is there live.
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...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa.
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♪ ♪ ♪ i'm in a new york state of mind ♪ >> well the sun is up and we are looking live at a symbol of american resilience. the new 1 world trade center shining bright over the new york city skyline. >> the zuning building rising up over the ashes of the 9/11 attacks proves americans will not back down. >> and chris rock wasn'ts us to remember his stint on sfl. as you look at the antenna. >> today nearly 14 years after the twin towers were destroyed, the observe story finally opens to the public this morning. >> and once again, do untownwntown
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manhattan is home to the tallest building in the western hemisphere. >> anna kooiman is here to tell us all about it. >> hey, good morning to all of you at home. low erer manhattan is back. you can see the empire state building behind me. 1250 feet up on the world trade center observatory opening in a few hours. on a clear day you're going to be able to see 50 miles away to princeton, new jersey. folks can experience a 45-minute tour and then walk around the area themselves. we have video we can show you. it takes 47 seconds, and on that journey you'll watch new york city skyline be constructed and get a history lesson from the 1500s all the way to today.
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dave is part of the kpaun who helped design and construction the soerv toir. >> good morning, and it is a big day for us. >> you used to work as disney. how has that experience helped you make this? >> disney puts together immersive experiences for people. this is not just as you said an elevator ride up a view and a ride down. instead, there's a 45 minute to an hour experience where our guests will be entertained. educated and love it. >> there are three dining experiences. one fine dining experience. it could be a hot spot for couples. are you hoping for central park the empire state building a landmark everyone will cant to come to? >> we think this is going to be one of the best in new york city. >> compare this to what people are experiencing at the 9/11 memorial and museum? this is really a celebration of
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our resilience. >> it certainly is. the 9/11 museum and memorial just adjacent to us on this site they do a great job. we're something different, though. e with want people to get the greatest view of the greatest city in america and look boldly toward the future and really see everything. >> you've already sold me i'm ready to come back with friends and family. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> there are free tickets for 9/11 victims families survivors, first responders and tickets will be $26 to $32 for the general public. back to you. >> thanks so much anna. >> you can go ob line for the tickets. heather is here. it's a busy porng.morning. and a manhunt is under way. >> a manhunt is under way after an oklahoma police officer was shot in the head. police say a driver of an suv
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with two passengers inside took off after refusing to pull over for a traffic stop and then drove in the direction of the kansas border. the officer was then shot during the chase and crashed his car into a ditch. he was air lifted to the hospital in serious condition. two of the three suspects are now in custody. the third is still on the run. and do you remember the famous hope poster of president obama during the twai campaign? the artist who created it says the president has let him down. he says he's disappointed the president has continued to support drones and domestic spying and is not close to living up to the poster's hype. he also says he met the president a few times and believes he's a quality human being. and terrifying in texas. a chilling discovery for a dallas mother who installed a camera in her apartment after she noticed money disappearing over the course of several months. over the weekend the camera
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caught a nighttime sbrulder in her bedroom stealing from her as she leapt. the woman says the crook stole from her 5-year-old daughter's piggy bank. he broke in through a window by cutting a screen. she now hopes someone will recognize him and call police. that happening in texas. and it was no indecent proposal after all. we know the story behind the picture we showed you. apparently it was the bride's idea. here's what happened. the newly engaged woman is actually her sister. and the bride wanted to share the moment with the entire family. the picture went and sparked harsh criticism of the iowa couple. they were accused of stealing the bride's spotlight on her special day. the bride says the proposal only made her day that much better. a sweetet sending to that story. 666666. >> all right. mystery solved there. thanks heather. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. what do sports icons have in
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common with howie mandell? >> that's a great we. they're all fish fanatics and all on animal planet's hit series tank. >> >> i have no idea what he wants. >> we've turned a lot of vehicles into aquariums. >> my man! >> to be honest with you, i want pirhannas. >> he's now host of "tanked." gentlemen, great to see you. >> thanks for having us. >> famous people love fish tanks. >> they love it. >> why? >> it's relaxing soothing and living art. it's beautiful. >> here we are in season five. i know you believe in this, but did you think it would be this successful? >> i did. i wrote the show.
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i believed it would be special zbchlt and this season will be different. all celebrities. >> we have howie mandell. dwight howard. marshawn lynch. david hasselhoff. >> did you build a tank for shaq? >> and a black light? those fish are glowing. >> well the blue is really fis. this is a combo unit with two different spectrum of lights in it. >> it's self contained. all the filters are in the back. not too small. the small ones are tough to take care of. >> if someone is watching and wants to do them themselves are they not able to do this? >> this is pretty easy to do. it's all includive. so you buy it. you fill it up with water. you go home and set it up. and it's ready to go. >> so the season five premiers tonight. give us a sneak peek of what's to come. >> howie wanted a take.
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>> howie mandell? >> yeah. >> he said it's in my head. we came up with a theme of a coral insert that's a brain coral. and we did a silhouette of his head. and it's a view from two different sides. >> what does dwight howard want? >> i'm afraid of snakes and he wanted a snake tank. and it's difficult to do. he's a prankster. so he put a big snake in his closet and i got scared. >> did you overcome your fear? >> i did not. >> marshawn lynch was on the show. did he do it so he wouldn't get fined? >> of course he does. p who doesn't? that's his thing. >> so the season premier is tonight at is 10:00 on animal planet. who kicks it off? >> howie mandell. one of the funniest guys. >> thank you so much.
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>> thank you very much. thanks for leaving the tank behind. coming up straight ahead, a special night. i had the honor of hosting the wounded wor your prokt last night. the heros who walked away with big honors. >> plus father's day is just weeks away. how can you get this watch that's nrtly $100 for more than 50% off that price? stay right there. megamorning deals are coming your way. >> exclusive to us? >> that's right.
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just about 15 minutes until the top of the hour. quick headlines. caught on camera edition for you. now. watch your step. that's a guy stepping on a bull snake on his way to work. eek. he was too distracted by his
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known to see the 4 foot long serpent. it bit him before slithering away. fire departmentally bull snakes are not venomous. check out this incredible moment caught on tape. the moment lightning strikes a maine church. >> [ bleep ]. >> oh my. this happened near the border. friar crews say there was minor discharge to the church and luckily no one was hurt. >> thank you. the wounded warrior proumt does incredible things for our wounded vets. last night i had the honor of hosting the courage award right here in new york city for the third year in a row. e steve is joining us to talk about an incredible night that had to be born in 2005 because not enough is being done for those fighting our wars.
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unbelievable night what you guys put together. you had about 1200 people. what wept into that night? >> i tell you what we had over 100 warriors and family members into new york. we had over 1200 supporters raising the funds that we need. and thank you are for three years in a row hosting. >> i was thrilled to get the nod. it was an honor to be there. every table has two or three extraordinary stories. each year has a different theme. this theme is long-term care right? >> absolutely. we have hundreds of families severely wounded. they're going to need help for a lifetime. we set up a trust. just like we would do for our kids if they get injured. you're going to put money away to take care of them for the future. we've done that. >> and you really see it.
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if you see what's happening with isis you understand we might be going right back in there. last night was the courage awards. one person was singed out is angie peacock. she gets the award. >> a medal of honor recipient. really gave back throughout his lifetime. a vietnam vet. >> talk about angie. people think because women, women are in combat. that's wrong. >> that's absolutely wrong. she deployed in 2003. she went from kuwait or baghdad. she rode down the same roads ieds were on. she saw fellow service members get hit. she struggled with ptsd. like so many warriors with the right support, she not only pulled herself out of it she's given back to families of dozens of warriors and the most severely wounded. helping them recover.
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>> it's like if you have to go and get a ticket. if there are some the place is packed. but there's also the tony snow award. and that goes to bank of america. people like to vilify the banks, but these are the men and women who do so much. corporate america has stepped up. especially bank of america last night. >> i tell you what. they are hiring thousands of warriors. they've already given us $500,000 for the cause. they've committed another million dollars to what we're doing. they tyke time to volunteer, come out and help warriors build their financial future. give them advice. >> estimates are steve had about two and a half hours of sleep. he came from a flight to be here on the couch. congratulations in all you do. you did an unbelievable job on stage. if you want to help out the wounded warrior project, go to steve, you're the best. appreciate you. >> thank you, sir. >> now coming up straight ahead, we change gears. a teenager up against her
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new the site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20% when you book direct. good morning to you. today is friday may 29th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. fox news alert now. the situation in texas gets worse, dozens of people rescued as rain keeps pounding down and floodwaters rise. an update on what happened overnight and what forecasters are expecting today. hi. more heartbreak involved. a mom and a 7-year-old son shot dead. is the mayor doing anything about this? >> madam mayor, how is the deadliest -- how is it that this is the deadliest month in 15 years and how is that anything other than a failure of your policies? >> wow. her answer moments away. >> and is it another celebration of free speech or is it a dare to terrorists to attack the
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homeland? a brand new contest to draw the prophet muhammad scheduled tonight and this time the contestants are armed. is it a good idea? want friends in the morning? watch this program. ♪ taking on the world today ♪ ♪ don't you ever get tired of being so lazy ♪ ♪ taking on world today ♪ >> in just about an hour o.a.r. will be out there live and as the all-american concert series continues it's week number two. o.a.r. huge last time and expect the same this time. been together since eighth grade so i suspect they aren't getting on each other's nerves. >> going to be playing "two hands up," a great song and they will be playing on our plaza, and their current album debuted
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number one on the billboard independent albums chart and their summer tour will kick off on june in belmont park. they are incredible. of a refvolution is what o.a.r. stands for. from ohio state, cold out at madison square garden before. >> no yoko in that band. >> good morning to you, elisabeth. >> thanks for having me this morning. >> no yoko breaking up o.a.r. >> a great point and why you're eligible to write for "rolling stone" because of your knowledge of music. >> thank you. >> for the fun stuff, that was then this is now. let's talk about baltimore which has turned into a bloodbath just about a month after we saw the uprising and now we see backlash backlash because law enforcement is essentially saying i don't want to end up in jail. i'm tired of being judged so let the people of baltimore get what they want and that is pretty much free reign and they are
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using it to shoot each other. >> may is already the deadliest month in 15 years, surpassing even the november 1999 total of 36 and the latest victims include a mom and a little 7-year-old boy. they were found dead shot to death in their home in baltimore with gunshot wounds to the head. that yesterday morning. this little guy loved riding his bike according to family and playing in the yard like every other kid and going to the beach. he is dead one of the latest tragedies in baltimore. >> this is not a disconnected fact. arrests are down 56% in the city of baltimore. >> sure. >> as police pull back in the wake of six indictments of their fellow officers in the death of freddie gray. you saw the prosecutor in baltimore up there saying no justice no peace basically acting like an activist in that joined in by the mayor, and the result has been chaos and lawlessness and more murder errs as ely'sisabeth says. >> and when you hear from the police commissioner he shared the concerns of the police. he said they are more afraid of
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being brought into court than being shot on the job. listen to this. >> what is happening is that there's -- there's a lot of levels of confusion within the police organization. as i shared there's people that have pain. there's people that are hurt. people who are frustrated and people are angry. they also want to know and they have said this to me and repeating them, if i get out of my car and make a stop for reasonable suspicion, that leads to probable cause but i make a mistake on it will i be arrested for it. they have asked, pulled up to a scene where an officer has done something that they don't know that may be illegal, will they be arrested for it? not taking sides on this but those are things that they are asking. >> you can take sides on this. >> yeah. >> these are people that work for you and look at you as a leer. meanwhile, a lot of people look at the mayor and say did you lay the groundwork for this with your tone and the acrimony that you actually presided over lay the groundwork for the deaths we're seeing in the stand down
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which seemingly is the case with law enforcement. here is leland vitter our own leland vitter talking to the mayor yesterday. >> we all witnessed how upset you were and how outraged you were by the death of freddie gray. why is it that it seems as though you were more outraged by the death of freddie gray than you are outraged and angered and upset and leading rallies over the death of 30-plus people who died from homicides this month? >> so again, you can choose to be selective about my track record if you would like to mischaracterize but it's just not true. i've led -- >> when was the last time that you led about the deaths of all these people this month? are you planning one? >> she hasn't and good for leland vitter for asking that question deeply deeply mediocre leadership in that city and guess who suffers, not rich white people but poor black people in that city being murdered and where are the so-called leaders of the city. al sharpton president of the united states are they holding rallies? they are ignoring it. >> it's up to 111 people who
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have lost their lives there. there's an average of 55 people a day that the police spoke to and in the same year before that the average was 126 a day. that's where the 56% reduction is leading to police paralysis. >> it's so bad now people are saying they are afraid to go outside with their kids. >> can you imagine if you live there in west baltimore how upset you would be nobody cares. people who represent you, not saying anything about it. >> no rally for that. unbelievable. a lot going on this morning to tell you about, a big day on our plaza and right now have some breaking news. heather nauert has that for us. >> let's start talking out about the weather to give you a sense of how bad things are in the dallas area. five inches of rain falling overnight alone and that's where we bring in this brand new video coming in from dallas. rescuers paddling a raft through pouring rain to save dozens of
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people trapped from flash flooding there. even the tow truck was not safe trying to pull cars from that fast rising water. >> the next thing i know he said that he had to swim out of here. i said roll the window down and get out. >> oh, boy. people remain on high alert out there right now. hundreds along the br e-zos and colorado river are being urged to flee their homes. two more bodies were found in floodwaters there. in texas alone 23 peoples have been killed and 14 are still missing. a fox news alert coming in overnight. four passenger jets hit by green lasers over long island new york. this video shows just how powerful those lasers can be as they temporarily blind a pilot. it is considered a federal crime to shine a light into a cockpit. the faa says the beam came from a state park near farmingdale in the middle of long island. so far no suspects. and then developing this
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morning the packages that are being shipped to you may have come in contact with a deadly anthrax bacteria. the pentagon revealing that those live anthrax samples were sent through fedex. 18 labs across nine states have received the shipments. one in south korea as well. 26 people in total are now being treated for possible anthrax exposure. meantime the cdc is still in the process of locating and collecting all of the samples and officials insist there is not a risk to the general public. and youtube fans thought they were seeing double when a bono impersonator was brought on stage during the band's concert in los angeles. the actual bono spotted him in the crowd and invited him to sing "the sweetest thing." check this out. ♪ ♪ the sweetest thing ♪ >> wow, that is great.
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how fun. the crowd goes nuts. bono seems to be pretty impressed himself. he hands the impersonator his mike and takes off to go play the piano. the look-alike's james is naayer sings in a tribute band called hollywood u2. that made that guy's year certainly. what a story. >> has to. >> thanks guy? thanks heather. how about this another draw muhammad contest is planned for tonight in phoenix. the organizer is a marine and he was actually outside the mosque once attended by the gunmen killed at that texas event. a lot of people are asking why are they doing this again? >> the last one went so well didn't it? here is the organizer describing what his point is. >> these are the measures that we have to take to expose the true colors of this religion. have to hold a cartoon contest, as silly as it sounds to be able to show the true colors of islam. here in america we have the freedom of speech and it is
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under attack from islam. i let them know that we're coming on that day and that i hope that everything can remain peaceful. >> so here are the details. freedom of speech rally around 2:00 is set to begin at a denny's restaurant around 5:00 p.m. for the cartoon contest and participants will actually head to the mosque by 6:15 p.m. you know he was out there protesting that first attack and said quote, we're just utilizing our first amendment rights as you heard, and he'll feel badly if things don't go well but he's not responsible. >> so the question you have to ask yourself is if you believe radical islam is a threat to the west and i think most of our viewers do i certainly do does this advance your cause at all? does this help? or is it counterproduct sniff is this guy a publicity-seeking reckless person who is protected by the first amendment? every right to do this but is it a good idea telling people to bring guns. is this a good idea? >> i understand his point. i'm not afraid and i'll take on this evil sect of islam head on
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but the fbi could use it to start rouse thing up those sleeper cells within our community. these two guys that showed up in garland, texas, were being looked at in the fbi. >> right. >> and they came out and were taken out before they could act again. i actually think they should start doing this almost as a sting operation. >> to pull them out of the weeds. >> exactly. >> interesting to see if law enforcement is there to see how they are handling this and how they are preparing for this and what to expect and how they feel these events are being planned knowing the original outcom wasn't great. >> i'm totally opposed, i've got to say and i believe in the first amendment absolutely and would defend this guy's right to do this up and down no matter what happens but i also think you should be civil, if you can. no reason to poke people in the eye if you don't need to and a lot of things he could be protesting clearly brave and on the right page and why doesn't he protest universities about throwing radical islam down their throats. >> if they were having a sketch jesus contest people might be
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offended by it but 99.9% shower there would be no violence nobody would show out with guns to take you out. >> met difficulties would not show up with baseball bats. >> you can be kind and free in the same moment. is that what you're saying tucker? >> let us know what you think about this today. a hot topic. one teenager says her application to create a pro-life group at her high school was rejected because it's too controversial. she is not backing down. she's live here instead. her story coming next. a brand new clinton cash controversy is brewing. who was getting paid in the shocking amount he was banking thanks to the clintons?
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medical or dental procedures. i accept that i'm not as fast, but i'm still going for my personal best... and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke... plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... if eliquis is right for you. welcome back. a legal battle is brewing between a nevada teen and her high school after she says she was denied from chartering a pro-life group because it was too quote, controversial. joining us now is that student angelique clark and her attorney. thank you both for joining us. angelique, why did you want to form this group, and what was it about? >> i wanted to start the pro-life club because abortion is an important topic to talk
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about and do something about and having a club at high school is a great place to do it at. >> sure. let me follow up with this then. the school said you couldn't do this. why? >> the reasons he provided was that it was too controversial and it was too exclusive and that there were more qualified people to talk about it than myself. >> another reason that they posed here and i'm going to read it a statement from the school district. it says all clubs must have a faculty advisers before being allowed to form an official club this. club does not currently have a faculty member who would commit to sponsor the club. is that true? >> no that's not true. i've had a faculty adviser since i submitted the application. >> we obtained a copy that have application which is so interesting here t.actually has your faculty sponsor's signature right on it. this is it right here. jocelyn this, statement by the school based on this image right here with the censor's signature is unfounded. where do we go now? >> well what we've done is sent what's known as a demand letter
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telling the school the details of the facts here and what the law requires and we've asked them to reverse their decision and approve the club because under the first amendment and under a federal statite, the equal access act, they are required by law to approve this call. >> the ball's in their court legally. angelique, i want to go back to you here. do you feel you're being discriminated against because of your beliefs? >> yes, i do. i think i have the right to have this club and it's being violated. >> shouldn't school be a place to explore thoughts and be free to think and have a club like this? >> yes, i think so. >> and so angelique, how hard are you willing and how far are you willing to go to fight to make this club a reality despite the resistance from your school district? >> i'm willing to go all the way. >> all the way. jocelyn, what rights does a student actually have in this case? mean are there any restrictions here that we're not seeing? >> the student has pretty broad
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rights in these situations. the law mandates that as spoon as the school opens the forum up to any non-christian related club which this school has definitely done. they have an anime club, a bible club and a gay-straight alliance they have to al law all other clubs on an equal basis without making a decision based on content of the club. >> okay. >> when you say it's too controversial, that's content. >> angelique, have you had support from your fellow student, and has your sponsor, has your sponsor stepped up to support you in this process because you're fighting a hard point? >> yes, i have 25 interested people, 25-plus, and my adviser has signed the papers so she's willing to help out. >> okay. we'll follow this. it's a big battle that you're in for here but you're willing to take it all the way. jocelyn, thanks for joining us and angelique, stay strong there, sister. >> thank you. >> you got it. well the mayor of baltimore and the state's attorney making it clear where they stand, so is there any way that those six officers charged in the death of
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freddie gray can get a fair trial interest? we're going to debate that for you next. and if you thought taking the s.a.t.s once was bad enough well hundreds of students just had to take it again. their tests, oh, they just went missing. what a disaster. how the heck does that happen? pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it.
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time for news by the numbers this morning. first up 10,000 per month, that's how much longtime clinton confidant sidney blumenthal was paid by the clinton foundation apparently advising the secretary of state on libya which was a disaster the. next up $1.2 million, how much it cost taxpayers in detroit every month to maintain
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a jail that was never completed. the city pulled the plug four years ago because it was too expense i have to complete. meanwhile, detroit cannot avoid toilet paper for its public spaces. and finally a back-to-back hole in one. a michigan couple tony and janet blundy each scoring an ace on the 16th hole. tony did it from 142 yards away and janet from 106. the odds of this happening, at least 1 in 26 million. it's a long shot but still better than powerball. brian? >> hope it brings those two closer together. attorneys for the six baltimore officers facing charges in the freddie gray case are calling for a change of venue in this case claiming this, quote, based on relative size and characteristics of baltimore city the prejudicial information that has penetrated every form online printeded in broadcast media and the short time between the alleged crimes and the trials the presumption or prejudice prevents the officers in this case from receiving fair trials. do you agree? is this true? and have the actions of the
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state attorney emmosby compromised any chance for real justice? let's ask two real pros fox news analyst and defense attorney who join us for a fair and balanced debate. arthur you say we shouldn't move it. >> i think we should move it but it's not a ground ball. judges don't like to alter the process so there's going to be a motion here to have this prosecutor removed from the case because of things she said because of her husband being the sitting councilman from this district and being very vocal about his feelings that the cops should go down. that's one motion and then there's going to be a motion for a change of venue. in the ideal circumstances judges like to go follow the rules. they like to stay in the lines. do i think it should be moved? i think err on the side of giving everyone a fair trial so it should be moved. whether it will be -- >> the boston bomber wasn't moved. >> but that was a federal case so you have a larger jury pool
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to choose from and larger geographic region versus baltimore and baltimore county. i believe there's a decent chance it will move or the judge will ask for a larger jury pool to choose from because any time we have cases like this where it's a lot of media scrutiny a lot of media attention and people have their own opinions formed we ask for a larger jury pool to try to get a very fair jury because people want it to stay in the region but the prosecutor has to err on the side of caution to make sure that if they get a conviction that these guys don't have anything -- >> statistically speaking this is what happens, in a normal jury selection process you speak openly to all jurors in the jury box n.high-profile cases like some of the ones i've been involved in a lot of times to make sure everyone is fair and impartial the judge does jury selection one juror at a time so a process that usually takes two hours takes two days for us to
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find people who weren't going to hold the football position for him, against him, et cetera et cetera. >> sometimes they do questionnaires too, long before -- long before the trial, they are sent questionnaires to ask people written questions to give the jurors -- give the defense lawyers timeo go through them. >> so the jury is clearly -- the jury could have been poisoned by what we've seen and what we've witnessed. what we've seen lately sadly is a bloodbath in baltimore. does that play a role in what we do from now on? does the public perception change for the police officers and those who are on trial and what do you think, gar? >> the police officers not doing their jobs that's bad against the police officers but i don't think it will have that much impact on this trial. people who formed their opinions have probably already formed their opinions regardless of whatever happens in baltimore from this point forward, but i -- i do believe that baltimore police department they need to get their stuff together. >> let me give you a quick stat how bad it is in baltimore n.approximately the last 30 days
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there's been 30 homicides in a 850,000. new york has 8.5 million. that would mean if the staple statistics followed in new york there would be 3,000 murders in the last 30 days. that's how crazy things are in baltimore. >> i think maybe the perception of cops might change because you see what happens when they don't do their preventing policing thought that might play a role. we'll see. we'll see if this venue changes and we'll have you back. >> you should have worn gray. >> you're not matching got to get together. >> for that you guys are together and unified against me. appreciate it. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. straight ahead, six peoples have passed away from exploding air bags and now the recall that resulted is expanding. is one of those cars your car? plus o.a.r. is about to take the stage, but by the way, i'd wave back but they can't see me but before they perform we'll be talking to those guys. i'm going to send elisabeth out there.
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all right. o.a.r. is supplying the music. in a matter of moments elisabeth hasselbeck will be getting out with her security in tow to speak to o.a.r. to talk about the sin skri between them and how special it is to be back on our field turf. >> and leap backwards off the stage and crowd surf back into the studio. >> i wore my crowd surfing dress just for the purpose of that. >> they are a great morning show band if i can say so. >> the song that they are going to play for us "two hands up," working a special version of that for the speciallismics. how great are they. not only great musicians, great people and can't get wait to get out there and talk to them.
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now this coming up. >> many people know ft. lee for its role in the american revolution but where the george washington bridge begins on the new jersey side and what many people probably do not know is how big of a part it played in the development of the american motion picture industry. laura ingal explains the story honoring a century of fox film corporation. >> reporter: across the hudson river from new york city above the palisades cliff and many years before the bridge was built, hundreds of silent movies were produced in the small town of ft. lee, new jersey. celebrating this nearly forgotten history is the goal of the ft. lee film commission's current exhibit. >> the movie industry begins developing in manhattan in 1904 1905 and 1906. where are you going to make films? can only makes limited films. you done have the space or outdoor locations. >> fields and woods, a quantity main street and the room to
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build large glass greenhouse studios attracted the earliest film-makers. one of the most successful was william fox, the namesake of fox news and 20th century fox. he founded his corporation in 1915. he had a knack for drawing large audiences by turning actors into stars, like theda bera known as the vamp. >> there would not be a fox if not for her. when people when paying nickels for movies she was making millions of dollars for mr. fox. >> seductive picture. >> deeply non-seductive picture. i was not seduced by i was interested. >> that is one of the few pieces evidence left of ft. lee's days and the curators hope to keep that alive with the history of
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fox and the company he started almost 100 years ago. almost now some news with heather nauert. takata and the exploding air bags. millions of additional cars are being recalled over those air bags fiat chrysler bmw and honda now adding 2 million vehicles to the recall list bringing the total number of recalled vehicles worldwide to nearly 34 million. the exploding air bag could potentially send shards of metal or plastic flying into passengers or drivers. six people have died as a result. >> well, a stretch of california coast may be clean enough to reopen for the weekend after this goo washed ashore. crews scoured seven miles of beaches scooping up globs of tar. u.s. coast guard and state officials say there's samples of tar and also water will undergo testing to identify where it came from.
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nothing has been ruled out just yet, including last week's oil spill off the santa barbara county coast. and if you thought taking the s.a.t. was bad enough. oh yeah it was pretty awful. well hundreds of students in the state of virginia will now have to take it once again and that's because the tests have gone missing. they were shipped to the college board. that's the group that administers the test but they never arrived. >> someone texted me today and said we have to take them. they lost our scores. i had an s.a.t. tutor, can't get with her for the retake and getting in the way of vacation plans and it's summer too. >> the college board says every effort is being made to try to find that shipment and meantime a makeup test date has now been scheduled. got to look at some soccer. i'm not going to do that. brian, can you help me out here? >> women's soccer i know you're going to be watching. eight days away from the kickoff of 2015 women's world cup.
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i had a chance to talk to the stars of the american team and they talked to me about what it means to play for the red, white and blue. >> to be able to play at world stage and represent your country, i mean it just means a lot. it's a great honor and hope to make everyone proud. >> time to show america what we're made of and play great soccer get better each and every game and bring that trophy home. >> i believe this team has earned the right to call itself a world champion on the world cup stage. >> they have to play three games. one against australia. the other nigeria and sweden. that's brandy chas tape. that's what happens after you win the world cup back in 1999 with over 100,000 people there. this team feels as though this is their last big shot to win one for this generation. you can watch the ladies take on australia. that will be june 8th on fox sports 1. every one of the world cup games will be on some television fox sports 1, fox sports 2 or fox news >> but to be clear, brandi chastain will not be playing this year. >> and you are a big fan of hers?
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>> that's right. >> meanwhile, maria molina does the weather. >> good morning, hello, everybody. a great crowd here in new york city and beautiful start to the day. sunshine and pleasant temperatures in the 60s this morning, but the active weather unfortunately, continues across the center of the nation and especially across texas and parts of oklahoma. we do have the risk today for some severe storms isolated tornadoes possible. large hail and also some damaging winds, and as far as rainfall goes we're talking several more inches of additional rain forecasts out there as well so the flash flood threat will continue across portions of oklahoma and also across parts of texas. the one good news though is that it does look like there is going to be a break in that weather pattern and we could start to see drier conditions moving into the center of the nation so of course we await that. a quick look at your high temperatures across the nation. very warm across the eastern u.s. now let's head over to elisabeth who is on stage. >> that's right. thank you for that. there's a cool breeze out here but actually it's heating up in
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our "fox & friends" plaza for our all american concert series. we're joined by oa.r., joined by chris and mark. thank you so much for this concert. our fans are so excited. your fans are so excited. [ applause ] >> your new album, you actually went home to make it to rodwell, maryland. what was that like? >> we did. i mean look where we come from rockville, maryland it's a huge part of who we are. we wanted to make sure we went back home recorded the album, wrote it there and had all of its elements in our music like once again from the beginning. it's important to recognize that and put it in your music. >> you guys go way back. let me ask you this after playing at ohio state university and being together forever going home to make this album, what was funniest flashback that happened there? >> well we went to like our middle school and it was snowing and we were sledding down the hill you know where we grew up. >> just like when you were kids?
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>> like when he had a snow day from school. talking about it online and a local news team showed up. they were following us online and they came up and showed up and interviewed us. >> who won the snowball fight afterwards? >> i did and him. >> that's why they are not here actually. >> so many of your fans love you that you go so far back real friends and talk about these stories, and i think it makes everyone feel a little of their hometown. you're going to be performing "two hands up" so excited coming up in about 20 minute. so hold tight out there everybody, but i have to know this. you're making a special edition of that for the special olympics. what does that mean to be able to perform that for such a great cause and group of people? >> in all our lives we've been touched by somebody who may not have been born with all the opportunities we were right, and then come along and folks work hard and they start to enjoy these opportunities that are given to them by people like the special olympics and then you realize at the end of the day that we're all doing the
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same exact thing, all trying to appreciate this daily life that we're given and that's the lesson that i learned from this you know i with a the winner here i got to spend more time making music and learning from folks involved with something as special and as important as the world games. >> absolutely. >> and speciallismics. >> absolutely. >> really inspiring. >> what a great message from one of the best bands out there. mark and chris are going to sit tight. we cannot wait to hear your voice and you on the drums in just a little bit so sit tight. i'll throw it back inside. o.a.r. everybody. one more time for them. >> thank you, elisabeth. >> mtv is calling, they want elisabeth to interview a few bands going on the road. that will be great. come on down to 48th and sixth. >> coming up, pataki and santorum the late toast join the race for the presidency and now word that donald trump may be getting in too. find out in a couple of weeks so right now who is standing out from the crowd? we'll tell you coming up. and our mega morning dealings continue. how about getting dad this for
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father's day at 70% off? we're helping you save a lot of money because you watch. heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3.
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come see what the new angie's list can do for you. list for republicans running for president keeps getting longer and longer. >> i am announcing that i'm running for president of the united states. >> candidate for president of the united states of america. >> i announce my candidacy for president of the united states.
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>> i'm a candidate for president of the united states. >> yes, i am running for president. >> i am a candidate for president of the united states of america. >> i am running for president of the rights. >> i'm a candidate for the republican nomination for president of the united states. >> well today, word from donald tr his intentions on june 16th. he's strongly hinting he's in. that will be followed by a trip to new hampshire in the early primary state, of course. here to discuss what that means knocks news contributor and democratic strategist brian benjamin. welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> first to you, a lot of people running. i think some of my kids are running for president on republican side. this is not the way republicans normally do it though? >> usually it's a hierarchy. next guy in line gets the chance to run? what's going on? >> first of all, after six years of barack obama there's a compelling feeling among republicans and frankly you've seen it in polling around the country it's time for a change, this time in the other direction and that's why a lot of republicans, by the way, the most credible field albeit big, since we've had since 1980 of highly qualified people to be president. they think they can win so they
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are going to put themselves out there and articulate the message and up until this point the thing that's impressed me they have been so focused on three things. number one, targeting hillary, targeting obama and number three giving an optimistic conservative agenda which we know from 2012 we need in order to actually win elections. >> so brian, i mean i'm mocking but this is actually an impressive group as tony just said not a lot of vanity candidates two and three--term governors, very serious people. kind of impressive. >> none of them are standouts which is why people are piling into the race. >> who of all of them if you were running hillary's campaign who do you fear the most? >> jeb bush strong family name though he won't be attract i have to a lot of the population. he does bring a sense of comfort because of his bush name so i think that will help. >> republicans, put this on the screen the top candidates so far, they each have about 10% of support, according to our polling, there they are, jeb bush former governor mike huckabee current governor scott walker ben carson the famous
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neurosurgeon and senator marco rubio all at 10%. boy, who we should look at tony, to pull away from the pack? >> the most impressive and i agree with ryan in the respect that jeb bush will be the generic front-runner for quite some time institutionally he has support and has the money. marco rubio has had by far the most impressive rollout and announcement. he's articulated the positive message i mentioned, tucker talking about income inequality something outside the generic republican message cluster, raising the money and has by far the best perspiration. if you contrast him with hillary the strongest candidate in the respect if this is about championing the middle class and economic populism there is no better candidate than marco rubio. >> he's actually a member of the middle class unlike any candidates. >> anyone selling a different product? >> rand paul obviously is. his views on criminal justice review his views on the gop hawks, a lot of people feel like the republican party is a party of war. >> a lot of republicans that feel that way? >> libertarians who would
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definitely feel that way and these wars cost a lot of money, explode our budgets and tony doesn't want to focus on this, the wars in iraq and afghanistan, now republicans want to go further looking at iran and other places. rand paul offers a different opinion which should be very attractive. >> he's got a pretty harsh critique of hillary and the disaster in libya. >> you won't win a republican primary being an isolationist. you have to present something palpable to conservatives and also attract others. that's why marco rubio, scott walker and others and the thing about rubio is present, he's polling against hillary to be fair clearly made up a lot of ground. >> thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. up next the father's day deals you don't want to miss just for you. gifts for your father like luggage for 80% off. don't go to target. we've got the barring answer here on "fox & friends." that's next. first this, date in history. on this date in 1971 the rolling stones the number one song in america, it was "brown sugar."
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well father's day is coming up and mega morning deals is back with five gifts that are going to be perfect for dad. you want to get to your computer your smartphone to get on our website because these deals are exclusive only to "fox & friends" viewers. brooke alexander is joining me now, and you want everyone to act quickly, correct? >> well, a lot of these items sell out extremely quickly. the window is about 48 hours but i would say logon to the fox fox & friends website and look there and you'll want to act
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quickly starting with the oxford golf polo performance t-shirt. feel this fabric. super breathability. it's easy care. it's year round wearing. this is perfect for the dad or the grad. doesn't have to be a golfer. >> right. >> dad on the move. >> but on the website you'll find different sizes, different sales and a variety of colors. >> and on the website you'll find this price. it was $79. it's now? >> $24. >> go to our website and click that mega morning deals button and it will take you to this and act fast. >> all right. >> what's this? >> this is a lens accessory kit that comes with three attachable lenses that works with your smartphone attach a ring and you have a wide angle, macro and a fish eye. >> i've seen that. didn't know what they were. >> $49 and now we're marking it down to $19. >> $19. >> go on website right now. >> act now. >> you should. that's a great deal on this. what's this? >> this is called the extreme cooling towel. my son uses this on the tennis
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court year round. basically a piece of material that you soak it for a couple of minutes and absorbs the water. it will keep you cool for hours. >> feel so cool. >> bring the temperature down like 20 to 30 degrees. >> put it on your neck. >> a lot of high school teams are using this now. >> great golf bag accessory. >> this set of two was $35 and now on our website when you click mega morning deals you can get it for what? >> $12. >> great golf bag stuffer there. >> talk about great items. this is fantastic. >> i mean dads and grads. it's a tool but this is a six in one tool. >> okay. >> you've got a ball point pen, a stylus that will work on any -- >> sure. >> you've got a four-inch ruler and phillips head and flat head screwdriver and also a level. >> a great addition. originally $29 and on our website mega deals button brings it to you for $11.50. a lot of dads are saying i just want some time to myself and
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this luggage right here which was originally between $600 and $700 is now only $149 to $179. this is a great deal. >> get three pieces. for that price you get three pieces either in the fabric style or hard case. also expandible so you can add 20% more packing, stuffing area in there. >> these deals are only for our "fox & friends" viewers. go to fox & they will move quickly. brooke alexander, thank you so much. coming up geraldo rivera is here and o.a.r. is about to take the stage live to perform for you. ♪
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rises. the latest for you coming up in moments. and a brand new contest to draw muhammad is scheduled for tonight, the very thing that inspired the two gunmen to attack in texas, but the organizer is not backing down this time. watch. >> unfortunately, we have to hold a cartoon contest as silly as it sounds to be able to show the true colors of islam. >> geraldo doesn't agree at all. >> how do you know? >> how do you know? >> he's already here actually. we'll see him in a minute. is that geraldo? >> body language. plus the picture that's tearing up the internet. a guy proposing to a girl at a wedding in front of the bride and groom. we look at bride and think she must be mad. what really happened and what the bride really feels at that moment. we have the answer. only if you watch "fox & friends," and it turns out everybody was surveyed and they realized that mornings are better with friends.
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♪ you could have been the one ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ love is never free ♪ ♪ and i can never burn through ♪ >> it is friday and you know
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what that means. our all american summer concert series is creating a backed plaza on 48th and sixth. o.a.r. performing "love and memories." keep it here all hour long and keep watching at fox& if you're home on your computer. meantime geraldo rivoira, youerrivera you were out there rocking out. >> a great chance to meet the folks and catch some class "a" acts for free. >> and in a few minutes cardinal timothy dolan here that's great. >> pope francis, so fascinated with the pope getting involved in secular politics the way he is. >> what was the last thing? don't necessarily have kids like rabbits. >> don't have kids like rabbits. >> climate change. >> which i thought was very sage advice and very daring of him, but he's been very daring. i mean bringing mahmoud abbas, the palestinian leader to the vatican. i just think that this is the best pope we've had in decades.
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>> so baltimore, there was a huge outcry when freddie gray died in police custody, as you know. >> yes. >> almost nothing from the white house or from self-described black leaders over the deaths of 38 people in the last month. >> including a 7-year-old child just yesterday. >> i have it at 42 now, the latest statistic as of today, 42 this month. of the 42 36 are young blacks. and it is absolutely -- this is a community committing suicide. it is absolutely appalling, and to hear no outrage by the white house, by the -- you say self-appointed i don't think self-appointed i think they are legitimate leaders. >> you think sharpton is a leader? >> absolutely. let's not get into a sharpton debate. he's definitely in the black community accepted. i think that we have to recognize this is the civil rights issue of our day. black people killing black people. how is it that this is the number one cause of death in the
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entire united states for black men between the ages of 15 and 34 homicide? come on. what is this now but a national crisis. >> well you're speaking some sense here in terms of the outrage that should be existing and when it comes to leadership particularly locally, our own leland vitter went to mayor rawlings-blake to ask her where the outrage is in the up tick in crime. here's what she had to say. >> we all upset and outraged you were about the death of freddie gray. why is it that it seems that you're more outraged by the death of freddie gray than you are outraged and anger and upset and leading rallies over the death of 30-plus people who died from homicides this month? >> so again, you can choose to be selective about my track record if you would like to mischaracterize but it's not true. i've sgled when was the last time that you led about the deaths of all these people this month? are you planning one? >> so you know what's going on
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here? >> baltimore is bleeding. baltimore used to have the nickname body bag city and now it's absolutely appropriate for this day. >> it's not a story unless you can blame white racism that's what's happening. >> i have been saying to a great deal of criticism, and i started it on this couch, black lives matter to these activists it seems to me only when they are taken by cops particularly white cops and that is lamentable. this is and i keep going back to this. this should be the civil rights issue of our day. >> and arrests are down 50% plus since this happened. it was not unpredictable to think that law enforcement would have an answer to the facts that they were vilified during this entire process. this is their answer. i'm not going to risk jail time my career my family to go inside and do some preemptive preventive policing. >> as understandable as it is brian, it is nevertheless lamentable. it is lamentable both for the reaction of the officers. >> what would you do? >> and for the cat lifts every
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time they go to make a bust that's surrounded by 20 or 30 people all of them with their cell phone cameras out, hoping if not to see an incident to provoke an incident so we'll continue the narrative of the community as victims of the cops. i think it is tragic. i think it is a non-starter. i think we have to recognize that you cannot sustain a city in the united states where you have 35,000 abandoned derelict buildings and unemployment approaching 30%, 40%. this is an unsustainable model. baltimore is absolute lit issue that the president should be speaking about today. >> exactly. >> we want to talk about something else you're passionate about and that is we're going to have another draw muhammad -- >> for. what we need this like a hole -- >> tonight, organized by a person, a marine and he says that this is his right and freedom of speech. hear what he says gerlo, and i'm anticipating what your reaction is going to be. >> these are the measures that we have to take to expose the rue colors of this religion.
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unfortunately, we have to hold a cartoon contest, as silly as it sounds to be able to show the true colors of islam. here in america we have the freedom of speech and it is under attack from islam. i let them know that we are coming on that day, and -- and that i hope that everything can remain peaceful. >> i love that marine for his service to his country. he's full of crap. he's absolutely full of crap. he is drawing attention to himself. he's inciting insulting, doing a cartoon of blacks or irish, same thing, this is intentionally provocative and for what? why stress out local law enforcement? why divert the resources of people going after terrorists? i heard your remark and you said brian, that this could be a sting operation to get some terrorists out of the bushes. we don't need sting operations to get terrorists out of the bushes. they will be coming out. we're working hard on it.
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to endanger the lives of people participating, to insult islam in a way that why are we in the gut weather worst of the isis -- >> i tend to agree with the bulk of what you just said but will you concede now that if and i hope this doesn't happen that there is violence at this event that the violence is the fault of the people who committed it not the man who is annoying or publicity seeking. >> let me return the compliment and say i agree with the bumk of what you said and if i go in a crowded theater and shout fire and there is no fire and people make their way to the exits and break their legs or arms it's the fault of the stampeders right, and the freedom of speech and religion and the first amendment is always limited by reasonableness and the greater good. do no -- >> you don't think the person has the right to do this? >> i can take a sharpie out right now and i can start
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drawing a jewish landlord with a big nose and greedy pockets and this is my first amendment right and i would be a despicable person for doing it. i think that this is a despicable act and we as a program on this curvy couch must make a stan. conservatism does not protect irrational unreasonable provocative acts. >> you're saying you can be very wrong, ethically morally within your rights constitutionally. >> that's exactly what i'm saying. >> thank you for saying it more articulately. >> i'm just making sure i'm hearing you right, and a lot of agreement on this side. >> i still think it's great for the two terrorists who are dead and it was an fbi-run sting operation i'd be all for it but in terms of doing a sketch muhammad contest it's problematic. >> remember the guard was wounded before the traffic cop shot the two. what if the traffic cop was shot in the forehead instead of in the foot? >> great point. >> you'd be singing a different tone. >> setting up a sting operation where they are fully prepared to
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take out a would-be terror cell. >> you know. >> at what cost right? >> we don't do those kinds of actions because we would be i think -- >> we do it for the mob. >> defense attorney would make a strong argument that but for us there would have been no crime. it would mitigate the sentences that they received and god forbid some innocent person got hurt. we have enough problems, don't we? don't we have enough in this world? >> i'm hearing that we have headlines ahead. >> we have headlines. >> to outline more problems. >> good to see you. >> thank you, good morning, everyone. geraldo, always great to see you. news to bring you starting out with a fox news alert. a manhunt sunday way right now in oklahoma after a police officer there is shot in the head. police say that a driver of an suv with two passengers inside took off after refusing to pull over for a traffic stop and drove in the direction of the kansas border. the officer was shot during the
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chase and then crashed into a ditch. he was airlifted to a hospital and is now in serious condition there. two of the three suspects are now in custody. the third crossed into kansas and is still on the run, so police in two states need your help. well now to some extreme weather and an update to bring you. we have brand new video coming in from moments ago near dallas texas as a woman is stranded on top of her car and then is rescued. well, this follows dozens of other rescues that took place overnight. 5 inches of rain fell in parts of dallas alone overnight, and look at the tow truck right here. not even safe while trying to pull cars from that fast rising water. listen. >> and the next thing i know he said that he had to swim out of here. i had to roll the window down and get out. >> goodness. people on high alert. right now hundreds along the brazos and colorado river are being urged to flee their homes as the rivers are pushing over their banks and then overnight the death toll rising again.
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two more bodies are found in the floodwaters there. in texas alone, 23 people have been killed and 14 are main missing at this poin hour. well it was no indecent proposal after all. we now know the story behind this picture we showed you and debated you yesterday. apparently it was all the bride's idea. the newly engaged woman is the bride's sister and she wanted to share the moment with her family. the picture went viral, and it sparked a lot of harsh criticism online of the iowa couple. they were accused of stealing the bride's spotlight on her special day, but the whole family was in on it. mystery solved. and those are your headlines. glad to hear. >> i suspected that yesterday. >> good for her. >> i still think they will be on our show at some point. spefl minutes after the hour. >> they should be. caught on camera an intruder creeping around on the house all happening while the woman was sound asleep. >> how creepy. and you didn't learn this in school. climate change being pushed on our kids courtesy of the common core curriculum.
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♪ tena®'s unique super-absorbent microbeads lock in moisture and odor, tena® - available at target are classrooms across the country indoctrinating kids with
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lessons on climate change? part of a new common core standard and so far 14 states and the district of columbia have adopted the guidelines. is this something schools should be pushing on our kids i ask, with a question mark. here to weigh in on this controversial issue is the senior fellow with the environment and energy policy james taylor. james, i was a little shocked to find out that common core has a common thread and that's climate change is real correct? >> well the common thread is from kindergarten all the way through high school graduation they are pushing one side of the scientific discussion. they are pushing an alarmist agenda that says that humans are the major cause of global warming without any context about the fact that the warming is not very significant, that temperatures are abnormally cool rather than warm right now and the fact that natural factors play a major role and probably a dominant role in recent climate change recent global warming. >> i think you have a monitor there. look at this the climate change framework, by grade five rising global temperatures will affect
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the lives of all humans. that's a fact you must learn, really. by grade eight the release of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels a major factor in global warming, get that down or get it wrong and by grade 12 global warming models are effective in predicting the pattern of climate change and that's very much in dispute. this is common core when we talked about a federalized system when we talk about education, isn't it? >> right. once you take the education decisions out of the hands of local teachers and put them in the hands of activists and the federal government you have these types of ridiculous statements. we do know that 95% of the united nations climate models have grossly overpredicted global temperature rise and also not just what the common core standards say, what they don't say when they talk about global warming and climate change. they don't mention the crop production has been at record levels as temperatures warm, that we've seen a decline in hurricane activity tornado activity and seen increasing food output. they never mention any of these things. they want to set notion that
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they are facing a human caused global crisis that enables federal bureaucracies to expand their staffs and budgets. >> should be something discussed in science, not put as fact-based on a test but that's exactly the case. james, thanks so much. >> my pleasure thank you. >> very interesting. politically jeb bush still in the corner of common core and governor christie saying the more i think about it not for you. that's to be determined. 19 minutes now after the hour. let's talk more politics. donald trump says he's got an announcement and it's going to be major. is he about to make a run for the white house? and if he does he'll be joining an already pretty crowded field so who has the best shot? only chris wallace knows and that's what he looks like but, first, more from o.a.r. here's heather. ♪ ♪ they were fired and don't you know that love will take you somewhere else ♪ ♪ you take the left and i'll take the right ♪
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♪ i don't wanna go to heaven if i can't get in ♪ ♪ ♪ i don't wanna go to heaven if i can't get in ♪ ♪ baby, i'll take my time ♪
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george pataki is the latest republican to announce he'll run for the white house in 2016 joining a very crowded field. word is that donald trump will announce his intentions two weeks from now on june 16th. his camp says the event at trump tower new york will be quote, major. >> a recent poll shows the gop contest couldn't be any closer in this five-way tie.
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look at that. >> is this an asset or obstacle for the republican party with so many in the field already. joining us right now is the host of "fox news sunday" chris wallace. chris, you've seen a lot but never seen fields this big with promises of getting bigger. is this helping or hurting the party in the big picture? >> well you know we'll have to wait and see. i worry that it's going to end up hurting the party. you've got a bunch of strong candidates possibility for a very vigorous debate but as we saw this week let's say between bobby jindal and rand paul, when candidates are jockeying for position they get negative with each other. we saw it in 2012 with mitt romney and newt gingrich and rick santorum and it ended up damaging romney when he came out as the nominee against barack obama and one wonders whoever is going to survive this demolition derby, are they going to come out strengthened or weakened when he or she goes against hillary clinton?
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>> sure. some people have concern that the top five might have it locked up with the five-way tie at 10% when you look at bush carson huckabee rubio and wouker and zero percent, pataki and strul. do you think there's much room for movement? >> absolutely. the real story of five people and 10%. usually the front-runner is up around 20%, 25%. this shows that everybody is struggling to get out of single -- there's no front-runner in this field. there's no favorite. it's wide open and i would say, you know just to pick a number at random the top ten candidates all have a chance at this nomination. >> well yeah. low-fat milk is at 2%. those are some bad numbers. what do you think the issues are that will divide them? everyone seems to agree with rand paul on foreign policy. other than that where will the delineations come do you think? >> i think immigration is one. we certainly know some of them. >> patriot act. >> jeb bush is having to argue about them.
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immigration is one of them, common core is one of them. they all support some kind of tax reform but they disagree about that. chris christie is taking a very hard line on -- on reform of entitlements. mike huckabee disagrees with him about that so -- so i mean, there are a whole host of issues. you name the issue and with that many candidates there are at least two on opposite sides. >> this sun you've got a packed show the diter when it comes to kind of giving it to hillary clinton, carmi fiorina and general michael hayden is going to sit with you. >> that's right, yes, thank you, elisabeth. carly fiorina, and if you haven't seen her on a sunday talk show or one of these candidate forums she's a firecracker. i mean she really is a very effective spokesperson. obviously was the former head of hewlett-packard and as you say has, as the one woman in the field, made it her business to give the business to hillary clinton, did so again this week. one of the things she says when clinton talks about flying a million miles as secretary of
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state, she says secretary, that's an activity not an accomplishment so she's pretty effective and then also right on our watch on sunday unless they did something dramatic the whole pullk data collection under the patriot act is going to expire at midnight on sunday. we'll be talking to the former head of the nsa and cia general michael hayden about that and what happens if that program goes dark. does ten danger the american homeland? >> wow, besides, that not much going on. not a good week to run a repeat. go live. >> one good thing about this crowded field business is good for the sunday talk show business and also the weekday morning business. >> oh, it's the media full employment act, for sure. chris wallace, thanks for joining us. >> bye, guys. >> three minutes before the bottom of the hour. >> coming up, it will be the most inspirational segment you will see all day long. timothy cardinal dolan sits down with peter johnson jr. to talk
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♪ did you ever know that you're my hero ♪ ♪ and everything i would like to be ♪ ♪ i could fly higher than an eagle ♪ ♪ cause you are the wind beneath my wings ♪ >> last night an inspirational performance in honor of timothy cardinal dolan by the men's choir of st. christopher's inn homeless shelter in garrison new york. cardinal dolan honored for his extraordinary career as a priest and service to all those in
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need. in the stirring acceptance speech he compared the shelter's effort to rehabilitate the chemically dependant to jesus' miracle of lazarus. listen. >> the men that go there were thought to be dead dead dead dead to family dead to friends, dead to themselves dead to the law, dead to their future. they were buried. they were forgotten. they were left alone. they were mourned over and they were missed but they were gone. they were dead and jesus said at st. christopher's inn roll back the stone. >> cardinal dolan joins us exclusively now. good morning, cardinal. >> thanks peter. >> and congratulations. >> always a joy to be here. >> always great to see you what. a wonderful award and what a wonderful thing that you actually visit that men's shelter, and there are people there that you had ministered to last night. what's that like for you? >> christopher inn is up in
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garrison, new york and add ministered proud to say by the graymore franciscans. i try to get around and they invited me up there. i'm convinced that they do miraculous work. what you have up there is 180 men with nowhere else to go and they are addicted to drugs and alcohol big time. most of them have been through other programs. some of them have even been to places as prestigious as the betty ford clinic. this place has an unparalleled rate of success, and i'm convinced it's because of the emphasis that they put on the soul on the spiritual, on faith. >> and it's also a lot of people coming together like beth ales a newspaper executive in the hudson valley and former executive at cnbc and a lot of other people putting their money and their time where their hearts are, but let's talk about what you talked about last night. >> sure. >> you talked about scripture. you talked about lazarus. >> yeah. >> and jesus' miracle. >> yeah. >> what's the significance? >> you know why, peter? see, they gave me -- they put a
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stone up there in my memory which i was deeply grateful for to commemorate by visit which will be the first many, i hope but i thought when i was preparing my remarks, a stone, a brick, a rock what am i going to talk about so i remembered the famous incident in the gospel of st. john when jesus lost his best friend lazarus. everybody is crying. everybody is moaning. this is a time of grief and sadness. he had been in the tomb for three days and there it is jesus stands before the grave and he simply says roll back the stone. now, they had given me a stone. they had given me a rock and i'm thinking of this roll back the stone and then he says lazarus come out and lazarus comes out and he's bound up like a mummy and jesus says unbind him. now, i thought how appropriate for this place. these guys that are there, peter, we saw some of them last night. >> yes, yes. >> magnificently inspirational choir. these guys are thought dead
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these guys thought they were even dead. they had nowhere else to go. society had given up on them. their families and friends had given up on them. the law had given up on them. they had lost their jobs. they had lost their future and they may even have given up on themselves. they were thought spiritually and morally dead and up there at st. christopher, and they tell me i'm not making this up they tell me they heard the lord say roll back the stone. come out, and they are raised from the dead. this is faith. this is religion. this is prayer. >> but some days some of us feel that we are spiritually dead. >> yeah. >> it's a tough day. it's a difficult day. we're pessimistic. we don't know what to do to take on problems of our family and of the day. how do we unbond each other? how do we rays each other up as it was done in terms of lazarus? >> it's a three-part affair peter, and these guys last night -- that's why we need the example of last night. that's why people like roger and beth ales and people like greg
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kelly and rosanno, commissioner kelly are there, they all know that these folks are inspirational. now, here's the three parts that we need. we need god. we need other people and we need ourselves. you have to have all three or it's not going to work okay? these people the one we most forget is the lord. the most we forget is god. they are going to be the first to tell you, these folks who run the 12-step program, the men, listen to them. they know they can't to it by themselves. they can't do it without themselves so they have to be at least ready and disposeded to it but without the grace and mercy of god and without the support and encouragement of other people it's not going to work. >> well we all need partnership. >> you bet. >> and one of the things you wrote about last week in "catholic new york" was a lack of partnerships in terms of marriage. not seeing it in society. >> yeah. >> not seeing it with catholics or christians. talk about the importance of marriage. >> you're on to something, and i hear it by professional journalists like yourself. i hear it on -- on tv and radio.
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we're into an age of excessive individualism, right? we're into an age where independence autonomy convenience, sometimes selfishness, the new trinity of me myself and i seems to dominate. >> yeah. >> we know that's contrary to the very nature of the human person. the very nature of the human person needs god and needs other people. we're tempted to think that we can do it all by ourselves and lord knows we're necessary. we have to -- to emphasize our own individual responsibility and virtue. that's for sure but if we just stop with ourselves, we're going to be locked -- we're going to be like lazarus and we're going to be all bound up. once we go beyond ourselves to the lord and to other people healing and resurrection begins. >> you know you happen to be my shepherd. >> thank you. >> full disclosure. >> and friend. >> can i ask you a personal question. >> sure sure. >> how much do i weigh or not? >> no you're looking good. what was most difficult time in your life and how did you
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access the lord to help you get through that? >> thanks. well there would have been personal maybe interior difficulties maybe times of struggle while i was discerning a location to the priesthood maybe some doubt and maybe some questioning, but probably the heaviest cross that i ever had to bear when my little -- and i've heard me talk about this when my little niece shannon at the time was diagnosed with very life-threatening cancer. >> yes. >> and to see my sister lisa and chris, my brother-in-law and shannon and her sister kelly go through this terribly heavy disease was difficult for me. first, i saw, peter, what the bible describes as innocent suffering which is very difficult to reconcile with a loving compassionate good. i saw -- i saw a beautiful innocent simple girl whose life was threatened and who had to go through agony to -- to bring about healing. once again though god came
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through and other people came through. we were blessed with tremendous physicians. we were blessed with a great community, neighborhood parish. thank god our family was strong and cohesive so you learn to say at the moment when i feel most alone is the moment when god and other people most enter my life. that's not a hallmark greeting card cliche there. that's a reality that hardened guys like last night will tell you and that most people who have been through a crisis will tell you. >> what an inspirational moment to have. >> wasn't it something last night? >> really was, and to have you here this morning. >> thank you. >> i want to mention one thing. when i saw you last night you asked me about a staff member here on "fox & friends" who has been fighting canser. >> yes. >> cynthia. >> and -- and you -- your love and concern for people you lift us all up. cardinal dolan. >> thank you, peter, you lift me up. good to be here. blessed summer. >> blessed summer to you. cardinal dolan, back to tucker
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elisabeth and brian. >> so inspiring. >> the new trinity of me myself and i. that's incredible. >> you need god, yourself and you need others. >> on another note the cardinal looks unbelievable working out like crazy. >> you don't always get a chance to hear the word explained like that. that was like a reach across to so many who have gone through times of struggle. that was so powerful. cardinal thank you. >> by the way, with segments like that the cardinal is going to get pushed to a morning show. >> just might. >> on the top of his game. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour and the cardinal could also attend our concert series which is minutes away. meanwhile, 14 years after the terrorist attack on 9/11 freedom has risen. the one world trade center observatory observe today. we will take you there 102 stories up next. but first up more from o.a.r. here's place to hide. ♪ and now we're running for our and i need you badly ♪
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♪ ♪ she don't like the seasons, they never let her go ♪ ♪ she wants to be summer too cold under the snow ♪ ♪ he's convinced there's no reason making her sick ♪ ♪ they treat me like a devil and heal that little girl ♪ ♪ treat me like an engel who fem upon the world ♪ ♪ and she don't like the seasons, they are out of her control ♪ ♪ oh, nowhere can we go ♪ ♪ you and me could be crazy ♪
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>> yeah. >> holy bleep bleep. >> yeah we had to bleep that out. this wild scene happening in maine. the roof and ceiling were damaged. no one was hurt. and in poland a driver runs a red light and gets hit by an oncoming tram. luckily the driver was not seriously hurt. more from poland later. this guy, too distracted by his cell phone. never saw the four foot long bull snake on the sidewalk in oklahoma. bit his leg before slithering away like snakes do. bull snakes are not venomous but it's hard to identify them. they don't wear tag or necklaces. >> they don't. >> assuming that that was a bull snake. >> gotten confirmation. >> non-venomous bull snake. lower manhattan now home to the tallest building in the western hemisphere.
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>> and the observation take at one world trade is now opening to the public nearly 14 years after the twin towers were destroyed on september 11 2001. joining us live from the 102nd floor, weekend co-host, our friend anna koeman. hi anna. >> hey, elisabeth. good morning to all of you. bringing you a moment of zen from 1,250 feet up high putting in an empire state of mind with the building behind us. observatory on a clear day you'll be able to see 50 miles away all the way to princeton, new jersey. it's supposed to be an immerseive experience that folks are supposed to be coming. about 3.8 million people rex pected this year. top tourist destination here in new york city along with the stat you've liberty, empire state building and times square and central park and certainly the experience overall what fuels the show the view. >> as folks come all over the world they are welcome in their
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native language and hear the voices in the building. what is this? >> construction workers who are going to outline what it meant to them to put this building back up. >> the bedrock foundation is where you stand. they were formed 450 million years ago. getting an education as we go on this tour. >> foundations of the building kind of the bedrock of manhattan and little facts pop up about how strong the building is, how much concrete how much steel that make it the strongest building in the world. >> on our way to the top and the fastest elevator in the world. >> yes. you'll get 500 years of history. manhattan, as it was in the 1500s and it develops all the way through to today. now, when you get to the 70s there is the world trade center and then it just disappears and then it's like the building begins to be built around you as we're getting to the top, and all of a sudden you're on one -- >> get the breathtaking view.
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>> welcome to the one world observatory. >> also a great place for folks to go out on a date there. there are three dining experiences here. one fine dining restaurant. can you imagine having dinner with this as your view. tickets are going to range from $26 to $32 and will be free free to 9/11 victims' families and also first responders. elisabeth, brian and tucker back to you. >> that's really cool anna. >> sure is. wish we were there. >> thanks for that. what a view. >> so many times when people come to visit us they say where should we go? now we know. >> observation deck. >> 12 minutes from the top of the hour. >> this up next, a moment we've all been waiting for, o.a.r.'s big performance. you'll want to stick around for that on our plaza. >> and i have a ticket for "america's newsroom." who is going to be with us right now. bill hemmer. there he is. >> good morning. great band out there, by the way. well done. on friday breaking news for economy, not good for america and an american city on edge. what's happening in phoenix this
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morning. same for baltimore but for very different reasons. how did we miss the rise of isis? a revealing look at how the administration failed on that and meet a lucky young lady working in the right place at the right time to save her life. martha and i will see you on a friday morning top of the hour.
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guys is this the part of the show when we ent dues the band? >> it is. o.a.r. is about to perform "two hands up" so let's put our two hands up. take it away, guys. ♪
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♪ way back when we used to plan and pretend ♪ ♪ that life we were living was a ten till then ♪ ♪ we already had love ♪ ♪ we already had faith ♪ ♪ but it turns out we need a little bit of space ♪ ♪ so between the two of us the world was divided ♪ ♪ you went for schooling and i went for the highway ♪ ♪ but silent nights and missing pieces ♪ ♪ weighed heavier than ever on my heart ♪ ♪ i got my two hands up i surrender ♪ come and lock me up here forever ♪ ♪ cause i need your love just remember ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i can surrender ♪ two hands up at your service ♪ ♪ the beat of my heart is making me nervous ♪ ♪ give all of my love now and forever ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i did surrender ♪ ♪
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♪ i got that white flag waving ♪ baby come save me ♪ ♪ i'm ready for love in my heart ♪ ♪ i mean i'm here for the taking ♪ ♪ i won't be escaping ♪ ♪ there's no need to sound the alarm ♪ ♪ i got my two hands up i surrender ♪ ♪ come and lock me up here forever ♪ ♪ cause i need your love just remember ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i can surrender ♪ ♪ two hands up at your service ♪ ♪ the beast of my heart is making me nervous ♪ ♪ give me all of my love now and forever ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i can surrender ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna let you down ♪ ♪ i'm always gonna stay around ♪ ♪ you have my heart ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna let you down ♪
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♪ i'm always gonna stay around ♪ ♪ i mean you've got my heart ♪ ♪ i got my two hands up i surrender ♪ ♪ come and lock me up here forever ♪ ♪ cause i need your love just remember ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i can surrender ♪ two hands up at your service ♪ ♪ the beat of my heart is making me nervous ♪ ♪ give you all of my love now an forever ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i can surrender ♪ ♪ ♪ i got my two hands up ♪ ♪ i got my two hands up ♪ ♪ you make me feel like ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i can surrender ♪ ♪ ♪ i surrender ♪ ♪ i've got my two hands up ♪
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hey, everybody. want to tell you on sunday i'll be hosting the outstanding awards with kirk cameron and announcing at the grand ole opry on saturday. >> going to be fantastic. >> back here next week and tucker we'll see you this weekend. >> watching you saturday at the grand ole opry. >> great performance, mark incredible. >> even great last year. you outdid yourself this year. love the new song as well. >> right. >> where do we get the album? >> thank you so much, first of all. get the album pretty much anywhere called "the rockville lp" and the new song is called "two hands up." doing a lot, man. >> that's catchy. hands up i surrender. >> you sound great. >> how great are these guys?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> hand how great are all of you? have fun. >> are you going to stay for after the show? >> great day for after the show sp show. we're going to stay. we're going to play some songs. bill: morning everybody. good sound there. breaking news. isis struck yet claiming for responsibility of a deadly car bomb attack inside of a mosque in saudi arabia. during morning prayers killing four. it could have been worse but the security teams stopped the car before it hit the mosque itself. just a week ago inside saudi arabia very rare, 21 people died in a similar incident just a few miles north. watching that today. also watching this. here at home a community on edge. draw the prophet muhammad cartoon contest being held today in phoenix. organizers telling people to come armed. this just weeks after a similar event in garland


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